S-step away
T-tell an adult
O-okay sites first
P-pause and think online
S-step away
T-tell an adult
O-okay sites first
P-pause and think online
The vampire named Jeff was found by a ghostbuster.He died and his soul went into the ghostbuster’s soul.After that the ghostbuster ruled the world.The ghostbuster’s name was Bob.On Halloween nighht,Bob a.k.a. Bobby was a 1 year old 8 feet tall and 500 pounds ghostbuster,and could smash an abandoned school.Later they went on a dangerous journey.The grave at the abandoned school is a grave stone for Jeff.Finally,Jeff became a robot-human
Merchant ship called the Mayflower.
After two months at sea they reached the New World.
London needed to get organize.
Only 53 passengers survived on the Mayflower.
William Bradford was Separatist leader.
English church wanted to reform.
Religious freedom.
They’re a lot of animals to hunt and you’ll get a lot of food there.You could have warm and comphy and go to sleep fast.You could climb the trees there.But beware they’re Indians that could attack you.An also be ready the Indians will shoot there arrows at you when the see you.The English will be crafting with a lot of wood,so if you want to make friends with them go ahead an craft with them.